• Category: structural
  • Type: object
  • Motivation: add responsibility to an object, provide alternative to sub-class for extending function


do {
    let coffee = MilkCoffee()
    print(coffee.description, coffee.price)
// <Component>
protocol Coffee
    var price: Float { get }
    var description: String { get }

// ConcreteComponent
class SimpleCoffee: Coffee
    var price: Float {

    var description: String {
// Decorator
protocol CoffeeDecorator: Coffee
    var coffee: Coffee {get set} // the key

// ConcreteDecorator
class MilkCoffee: CoffeeDecorator
    var coffee: Coffee = SimpleCoffee()

    var price: Float {
        coffee.price + 5.0

    var description: String {
        coffee.description + " milk"