Mock and Spy, use to test interactions between objects. We capture the indirect outputs or inputs of the SUT as they occur and compare.

Could you make it as a spy?

  • How do we make tests self-checking when there is no state to verify?
  • How do we implement behavior verification for indirect outputs of the SUT?
  • How can we verify logic independently when sut depends on indirect inputs from dependency?

Replace an object the system under test (SUT) depends on with a test-specific object that verifies it is being used correctly by the SUT. They are useful in cases where there are no other visible state changes or return results that you can verify.

You should begin with the state vs behavior verification.

The difference between a Test Spy and a Mock Object is where the assertions live. Spy’s verification is placed in the test case. Let’s create a verification method inside the Test Double that calls the assertions for us that is mock.


A Test Spy records the method calls it receives. It lets us verify the communication between components.

1. Extracting a Protocol to Support Test Doubles

protocol URLSessionProtocol {
    func dataTask(with request: URLRequest, completionHandler: @escaping (Data?, URLResponse?, Error?) -> Void) -> URLSessionDataTask

2. Write a test spy that implement the protocol URLSessionProtocol

// Create a Test Spy which records how it's called
// A test spy records calls to its method. Tests can then confirm whether the
// `SUT` made the expected call.
// For each method in a test spy:
// * Capture the call count by incrementing an integer.
// * Capture any arguments by appending them to array
class SpyURLSession: URLSessionProtocol {
    var dataTaskCallCount: Int = 0
    var dataTaskArgsRequest: [URLRequest] = []
    func dataTask(with request: URLRequest, completionHandler: @escaping (Data?, URLResponse?, Error?) -> Void) -> URLSessionDataTask {
        dataTaskCallCount += 1
        return DummyURLSessionDataTask()
class DummyURLSessionDataTask: URLSessionDataTask {
    override func resume() { }

3. Verify Spy communication with SUT

let sessionSpy: SpyURLSession = SpyURLSession()
sut.session = sessionSpy


XCTAssertEqual(sessionSpy.dataTaskCallCount, 1, "call count")
XCTAssertEqual(sessionSpy.dataTaskArgsRequest.first, URLRequest(url: URL(string: "https://foo")!), "request")


A Mock Object is a Test Spy that does its assertions. It also gives us opportunities to improve failure reporting.

Difference between a test spy and a mock object is where the assertions live.

1. Promoting the Test Spy into a Mock Object

class MockURLSession: URLSessionProtocol {

2. Add verification method inside the test double (call the assertions for us)

class MockURLSession: URLSessionProtocol {
    func verifyDataTask(with request: URLRequest,
                        file: StaticString = #file, line: UInt = #line) {
        XCTAssertEqual(dataTaskCallCount, 1, "call count", file: file, line: line)
        XCTAssertEqual(dataTaskArgsURLRequest.first, request, "request", file: file, line: line)

3. Improve mock object reporting

class MockURLSession: URLSessionProtocol {
    func verifyDataTask(with request: URLRequest,
                        file: StaticString = #file, line: UInt = #line) {
        guard dataTaskWasCalledOnce(file: file, line: line) else { return }
        XCTAssertEqual(dataTaskArgsURLRequest.first, request, "request", file: file, line: line)

    private func dataTaskWasCalledOnce(
            file: StaticString = #file, line: UInt = #line) -> Bool {
        return verifyMethodCalledOnce(
                methodName: "dataTask(with:completionHandler:)",
                callCount: dataTaskCallCount,
                describeArguments: "request: \(dataTaskArgsURLRequest)",
                file: file,
                line: line)
func verifyMethodCalledOnce(
        methodName: String,
        callCount: Int,
        describeArguments: @autoclosure () -> String,
        file: StaticString = #file,
        line: UInt = #line) -> Bool {
    if callCount == 0 {
        XCTFail("Wanted but not invoked: \(methodName)",
                file: file, line: line)
        return false
    if callCount > 1 {
        XCTFail("Wanted 1 time but was called \(callCount) times. " +
                "\(methodName) with \(describeArguments())",
                file: file, line: line)
        return false
    return true

4. Verify communication according to verification method in the Mock

let mockSession: MockURLSession = MockURLSession()
sut.session = mockSession


mockSession.verifyDataTask(with: URLRequest(url: URL(string: "https://foo")!))


Mocks Aren’t Stubs, Mock Object, Behavior Verification